Thursday, December 18, 2008

Important Pointers For Colon Cancer

Important Pointers For Colon Cancer

Remote as the appendix is, it is not safe from colorectal cancer. As the name implies it is a cancer that affects your colon and your rectum. It is as dangerous as any cancer you know, and it kills about as must as its senior, breast cancer.

With 655,000 deaths worldwide per year, colon cancer ranks as the third amongst cancers that kill. In the UK it actually rises to number two with about 16,000 in those parts. So, it's a type of cancer to pay a lot of attention to. And yes, early detection helps a great deal in determining whether one can survive the condition or not.

Colon cancer can only be treated through something of a lengthy, difficult and painful process. It often ends with a number of sessions of chemo, but that is often after you have endured quite a bit of discomfort with colonoscopy and surgery. As I said, it’s quite a difficult process, but if started in good time, there are lots of chances that you might survive it.

After a colonoscopy by which your colorectal tumor can be diagnosed, you are most likely going to need a surgery to get rid of the cancer. Colorectal cancer is such that it is difficult to address without something invasive in this nature. This however is only the first step. Much of the time, other processes follow also.

Colonoscopy, surgery, chemotherapy. This is often the chain of processes from diagnosis to cure for colon cancer. If complications arise along the way, you might have to include a number of other not-too-pleasant steps amongst these, but primarily, this is it.

Colon cancer can be a killer if not detected early. However, there are several new techniques that have been developed over time that greatly improve the ability to detect the malady. Once you can catch it, you have at least a chance of surviving the condition.

With all the cases of cancer that are recorded each year on the shores of the United States, it is inevitable that there will be more than a few causalities. Even though the disease is curable, it is hardly feasible that every case will be detected early enough.

The realities of life are harsh. A condition like large bowel cancer can actually be cured, but the harsh facts remain. Not all of them are caught early enough; not all of them are treated without complications. Hence people continue to die from it each day. By constantly getting yourself checked, you can be on the lookout for any early signs of cancer. It's a good way to keep yourself safe from any cancer.

By: JanetJonespapp

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Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Still's Disease With Treatment And Prevention

Still's Disease With Treatment And Prevention

Adult onslaught Still's disease is an incendiary circumstance that attacks domestic organs, joints and new parts of the system. It can seem and vanish abruptly.

Though uncommon, it is establish global and predominantly affects inexperienced adults between 16 and 35. Still's disease that occurs in children is called systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis.

Pregnant women are somewhat more possible to go downward with grownup onslaught yet's disease or to get a relapse.

Patients and their families should be provided with the needed data to enable them to get a comprehensive agreement of the disease and its effects on their living. It is vital that patients with Stills and their families realize that the disease is systemic and may affect many areas of the system.

In really serious cases, Adult onslaught yet's disease becomes chronic and exceedingly debilitating, causing horrendous pain and awkwardness. After many years, the disease cripples essential organs such as the eye and lungs.

The disorder does not appear to operate in families. The disease can be hard to diagnose, as it is hard to differentiate from an amount of new conditions that induce undetermined fever as easily as new forms of rheumatoid arthritis, as easily as from an amount of new diseases.

Patients and their families should realize that the disease is frequently cyclic in nature, and that they should require "better" and "terrible" days.

One is that Still's disease is payable to transmission with a germ. Another conception is that Still's disease is an allergic or autoimmune disorder.

In some cases, simply one or two symptoms happen instantly; others may come subsequently. The best signal that somebody may be coming downward with AOSD is a higher spiking fever of 103 degrees or above.

The fever normally rises quickly in the evening and so subsides to or near natural by the next dawn. The normal Still's bold is salmon pink in tone and comes and goes erratically, although it sometimes occurs at the same moment as higher fever.

Abdominal pain can be caused by bloated lymph nodes, as easily as expansion of the spleen or liver. These symptoms are too sometimes attributed to new causes. Everyone with yet's disease finally develops multilateral pain and swelling.

This normally involves many joints. Any joint can be affected, although there are discriminatory patterns of multilateral participation in yet's disease.

Sometimes the diagnosis of Adult onset still's disease may be verified by the finding of soft tissue swelling, bone loss and damage to the wrist, hand, hip, knee and spinal joints.

There are treatments, mainly anti-inflammatory drugs, that help with most AOSD symptoms. The most widely used treatment for AOSD symptoms is non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

In particularly acute or severe cases, doctors sometimes also prescribe corticosteroids to address heart, blood, and other life-threatening problems that AOSD can cause. Anti-TNF therapy, aimed at a component of the immune system, may be a promising treatment. There is a new class of drugs called biologics that are very promising in treating stills.

By: Juliet Cohen

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Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Magnet Technology And Health Care

Magnet Technology And Health Care
By: Ellen Bell

Most people have a basic understanding of what a magnet is, but don't really contemplate the many ways in which magnets can be used. Did you know that magnets play important roles in our everyday lives? Without magnet technology, our cell phones, computers, and even many automobiles would cease to function. Magnet technology has come a long way in the last few decades, but some of the most amazing advances have occurred in the field of health care.

X-ray technology has been around for over 100 years. Many of us are familiar with the process of having x-rays taken, and we have all seen doctors look at x-ray images. In 1977, through the use of magnets, a new medical technology was developed as an alternative to (or an advanced version of) the x-ray.

The technology was first called Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, but later became more commonly called Magnetic Resonance Imaging, or MRI. MRI technology utilizes a powerful magnetic field to visualize the structure and functions in the human body. Unlike an x-ray, which can only depict a two dimensional image, MRI evaluates the body three dimensionally, allowing more careful evaluation and study of the body. These systems are used a great deal in the field of oncology or diagnosis of cancer.

Though MRI technology is relatively new, only 30 years old, it has already become a very important a diagnostic tool. There are now mobile MRI units carried in specialized semi trailer trucks that travel to service rural areas. For those rural hospitals that cannot afford their own MRI unit, they can schedule the mobile MRI semi truck to visit on a somewhat regular basis so that doctors in the area can schedule patients to have an MRI as needed. The magnetic field created by an MRI machine is so strong that lead lined walls are used in the semi trailer to prevent the magnets from pulling automobiles off the road and into the side of the vehicle.

In some other exploratory areas of medicine, magnets are now being used for pain reduction and healing. Some doctors and medical researchers believe magnet therapy is a better alternative than drugs or surgery, because there are no potentially harmful side effects or long recovery time. Whether or not magnet therapy really works is a hotly debated topic. Many testimonials have been recorded from satisfied patients. Is the relief real or only in the minds of the patients? Time will tell, as current research continues to evaluate the ability of magnet technology to reduce pain and enhance the natural healing process of the body.

Interestingly enough, magnets have been used in health care for hundreds of centuries. The old recorded history of magnets being used for medicinal purposes is traced back to Africa, where a magnetite mine has been discovered. The mine, which is believed to be over 100,000 years old, was a major source of magnetite for medicinal purposes. The magnetite was ground up and used in topical ointments, potions, and foods for health purposes.

In Eastern medicine, magnets have been used since 600 B.C. to reduce pain, much in the same way as acupuncture. Magnets were placed on specific points of the body called meridian channels, so as to improve blood flow and reduce pain. From a holistic medicine standpoint, magnets are a good alternative to traditional Western medicines because they provide a non-invasive treatment option. Many Asian cultures believe that magnets can be used to promote and enhance overall well-being and health.

Modern medicine has come a long way in its use of magnet technology, and new discoveries continue to be made about what magnets can do for us. There is no question that the future will continue to bring new advancements in the medicinal uses of magnet technology.

By: Ellen Bell

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Wednesday, November 12, 2008

17 Tips And Remedies For The Flu

17 Tips And Remedies For The Flu
By: D Ruplinger

The “best” flu remedy seems to vary by who you talk to. Some people think that certain over-the-counter medications are the best way to get relief.

Others feel homeopathic remedies work the best. Still others feel that only their doctor can help make them make the appropriate choice.

If you talked to my husband he would tell you the best flu remedy is to not get the flu (he’s not always the most helpful person).

He talks smart because he hardly ever gets sick. I’m very jealous of him. I think his genes must be better than mine because he doesn’t eat healthier or exercise any more than I do yet I get sick a lot more often than he does.

I catch the flu nearly every year. I’ve tried over-the-counter medications, some homeopathic remedies, and have gone to my doctor when I’ve gotten bad cases of the flu. Below I’ve listed some common, and some not so common remedies for the flu. Some of the remedies are homeopathic; others involve taking over-the counter medications; while others are prescription.

1) This first item is more of a suggestion to keep yourself from getting sick again rather than a remedy but I think it’s a really good tip. Put your toothbrush in a cup with hydrogen peroxide in it to prevent you from re-infecting yourself (especially if you have a cold). Toothbrushes are a haven for germs and the hydrogen peroxide will kill the bacteria on your toothbrush. You may decide to put your toothbrush in hydrogen peroxide every day to kill the bacteria that accumulate.

2) In addition to putting your toothbrush in a cup of hydrogen peroxide you may want to put a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in your ears. It can help kill flu (or cold) germs. Sometimes the hydrogen peroxide will sting a little. The process is to put a few drops in one ear with a cotton ball or a Q-tip. After a few minutes drain the excess fluid out onto a Kleenex or paper towel. Then do the same thing in the other ear. Repeat the process after an hour or two. Continue to repeat until the hydrogen peroxide doesn’t bubble when it’s put into the ear (usually after 2 or 3 times). The hydrogen peroxide is said to be most effective if it’s used as soon as possible after getting sick.

3) Elderberry extract can lessen the duration of the flu according to studies done in Israel. Talk to your doctor, pharmacist, or herbalist for advice on how much and how often to take it, and also to make sure it will not interfere with any other medications or supplements you may already be taking.

4) Boneset is another herb said to help lessen the intensity and duration of the flu. It is usually added to boiled water, along with honey and lemon (to make it easier to drink) and then sipped. Again, consult with your doctor, pharmacist or herbalist for the recommended dosage.

5) Oscillococcinum is a popular homeopathic/natural product taken to help with the flu symptoms of body aches and pains, fever, and chills. One of the reasons it is so popular is that it does not cause drowsiness.

6) Naturoksinum is another natural flu remedy available. It is touted as being able to cut the severity of flu symptoms in half. It is one of the most popular flu remedies in France and is available for purchase in the United States.

7) Echinacea is another popular natural remedy for the flu. Again, because it is an herbal product, check with your doctor, pharmacist, or herbalist to make sure it is safe for you to take and that it does not interfere with any other medications or supplements you are currently taking.

8) Tamiflu and Relenza are two prescription medications available for treating the flu. For either medication to work best it should be taken with two days of the onset of flu symptoms. Both Tamiflu and Relenza work by preventing the flu virus from infecting cells in the body that are still healthy, and they both work against influenza A and B.

9) Drink health juices such as mangosteen, noni, goji, aloe vera, or acai berry. They are not only great juices to drink if you get the flu, but they can also help prevent it because the juices are good at boosting a person’s immune system. My personal health juice of choice is a mangosteen juice. It tastes great and helps me feel better overall.

10) There are several products available to use in your bath or even your shower to help with the symptoms of the flu. Abra Bath for colds and the flu is a product you add to bath water. It is said to help relieve congestion, reduce body aches, and help relieve the chills associated with the flu. The makers of Sudafed offer a product called Sudacare Shower Soothers. They are tablets that react with warm shower water to create vapors of eucalyptus, menthol, and camphor to help with congestion.

11) Nasal sprays to help relieve flu symptoms are available over the counter. One product is called Flu Relief. Nasal sprays aren’t as popular as most other remedies though because many people dislike using nasal sprays.

12) Fever, headaches, and aching muscles are common symptoms of the flu. Acetaminophen or ibuprofen, both available over the counter can help lessen the pain.

13) A persistent cough may be present when a person has the flu. There are many over the counter cough medicines, such as Robitussin (which has specific formulas of its products for helping with flu symptoms), to help quiet a cough associated with the flu.

14) Congestion is another symptom that a person may get with the flu. An oral decongestant can help loosen the congestion. Again there are many over the counter products available to fight flu symptoms such as congestion. Vick’s vapor rub can also help ease congestion.

15) A sore throat can be another bothersome symptom of the flu. Throat lozenges or sprays can help with the pain. I gargle with warm salt water every hour when my throat is sore. It’s a remedy my Mom used when I was little. It worked for me then and it still works for me now.

16) Rest is a very important part of fighting the flu. Your body needs rest to help it fight the infection in your body. So give in to that urge to cuddle up under the covers and rest. You’re likely to feel better faster if you do.

17) Drink as many fluids are you can when you have the flu. Avoid drinks with caffeine because caffeinated drinks act as mild diuretics. Water is the best liquid but can be hard for someone who feels sick to drink enough of.

Other good choices of liquid are clear juices, Gatorade (or any of the other sports drinks available) as well as flavored water and Pedialyte.

When I was a child and had the flu my Mom always gave me 7-up to drink. I could drink it without feeling sick to my stomach and it tasted good so I was able to drink enough of it to keep myself from getting dehydrated.

Always remember that the flu (depending on what strain you have contracted) can be a life-threatening illness if not treated properly. Don’t be afraid to contact your doctor if your symptoms don’t start to get better in a few days or if they are very severe. Another thing to remember when you have the flu (or are sick with anything else) is to only treat the symptoms you have.

There are lots of over-the-counter products available to treat flu symptoms. Many of those products relieve multiple symptoms. But sometimes you don’t have all the symptoms that particular medication treats.

Look for products that treat the symptoms you have, but nothing more. You don’t want to over-medicate yourself. Disclaimer: this article is for educational purposes only and is not intended to diagnose or treat illness and disease; nor is it intended as dispensation of medical advice.

By: D Ruplinger
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Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Dangers of Child Obesity

Dangers of Child Obesity
By James Rouse

The child obesity epidemic and the dangers of childhood obesity are at the forefront of many health professionals discussion groups. The reason for this is the long lasting psychological and physical effects that children have to endure.

It's hard enough that they have to deal with the extra weight but not being able to participate in as many activities as the other kids affects them emotionally. What we don't see is their deep seeded pain.

Our first action in dealing with childhood obesity is a physical one. We want to help them look better. It is presumed that if they look better they will naturally feel better. This is true in many cases.

As they start to emotionally feel more accepted by their peers their self esteem improves. The problem is once they do start to look better, and they will if they get proper nutrition and exercise, is it may be too late. Has the physical dangers of childhood obesity been too much for their bodies to handle?

Dealing With An Adult Disease

Type 2 diabetes has for years been an adult disease that in most cases wasn't diagnosed until the later in life. It has become one of the biggest dangers of childhood obesity in recent years.

Type 2 diabetes is a non insulin dependent disease that is difficult to treat. In some cases it can lead to being insulin dependent.

Cardiovascular disease

Overweight and obese children are at a greater risk of contracting Cardiovascular disease later in life. The older the children are, the greater the risk is. In other words an obese teen is more likely to have a cardiovascular disease in adulthood than an obese pre-teen.

Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea is a disorder when breathing is interrupted by blocked airway passages resulting in poor sleep quality. Obese children with sleep apnea will experience daytime fatigue, problems in school, and have a tendency to be hyperactive.


The development of bone mass during the growing years is essential. Children with a higher body fat percentage may be at risk of developing osteoporosis as adults. The reason for this is children who have more body fat have less bone mass.

Interestingly though is that adults who are heavy and have already built stronger bones from carrying the excess weight are at a lower risk of developing osteoporosis. The opposite is true for children. Their bone development is compromised.

Other dangers of childhood obesity worth noting are cancer, asthma and hypertension. In more severe cases: gall bladder disease, liver disease, and high cholesterol.

Evaluating all the dangers of childhood obesity is a difficult process. There are variables that need to be considered such as environmental and genetic issues which is why it needs to be done on an individual basis.

One of the biggest dangers of childhood obesity is the psychological effects that have occurred. With proper nutrition, exercise, and a diet plan we can treat childhood obesity. We all hope once the weight issue is under control and their self esteem has been restored that they live long, happy, and healthy lives

source :

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Stop Smoking in a Simple Way - Quit Smoking

Stop Smoking in a Simple Way - Quit Smoking
By Mia Sidiro

Everyone these days knows that smoking is unsafe to our health, however many people continue to smoke. The shocking reality is that the number of smokers globally is not diminishing enough.
Surveys have shown that lots of people start smoking at a very young age and this can very well be the reason why giving up the habit is extremely difficult.

Research has found that approximately 70% - 80% of smokers wished to stop smoking, but most were incapable of succeeding.
Smoking is hard to stop since cigarettes have a nicotine agent, which the user becomes addicted to. Although addiction is not as serious as using other narcotics, it is hard to quit and almost unbearable to smokers.

There are quite a few reasons why it is tough to stop smoking habit.
First, smoking is lawful. Smokers are able to smoke without fear, unless they are in countries that have banned smoking indoors of public places..
Second, cigarettes are readily available anywhere.
Third, smokers see they are not alone as many others are also smoking; hence they don't feel guilty for smoking especially since it is accepted almost everywhere worldwide.

.Aside from this, the need to smoke can be be put off if necessary. A smoker can delay his cigarette for quite some time if the circumstances will not allow him to do so.
This of course is the difference between cigarettes and other drug addictions wherein other drugs require "instant gratification". The level of addiction makes people blind to the hazard of cigarette reliance.

Even though giving up smoking is hard, it is not impossible. It can be overcome, when a smoker has a strong incentive to quit.
There is an easy way which will help smokers to quit: picture yourself as a non-smoker, possibly more athletic that before, smelling great, more money in your pocket, etc. Simply picture and feed your mind the positive thoughts that would come from being smoke-free. This is called self-affirmation.

Self-affirmation must consist of the 3Ps: private, present tense, as well as positive. This means that the sentence must use word I (personal) in present tense and make use of positive words. Thus those who want to quit smoking must not use word 'will' or desire to', they need to use positive words as well as not the negative like 'no' or 'don't'. Example: Now that I am a non-smoker, I am so energetic and that allows me to exercise more.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Oral Health Care Tips - How To Take Care Of Your Mouth

Oral Health Care Tips - How To Take Care Of Your Mouth
By Katie Johnson

Maintaining good oral hygiene and dental care has several benefits discussed below. Successful mouth care not only means use of quality cleaning products but it also means spending time using the right methods recommended for the care of your teeth or mouth.

Generally, good health is as important as cleanliness for maintaining a healthy mouth and teeth. The relationship is well established between good teeth and a diet with enough calcium, phosphorous and Vitamin D which is necessary for the body to make use of these minerals.

A good digestive process and sustatory pleasure are enhanced when the mouth and teeth are in good condition. These together with the tongue begin digestion and play very important roles by breaking up food particles and mixing with saliva which is also an important mechanical cleaner of the mouth.

Dental carries is a very common teeth problem. This comes about due to failure to remove plaque which is destructive bacterial film that builds up on the teeth and with the passage of time leads to the destructive of tooth enamel.

A good plaque fighting program means eliminating of sweet snacks such as soft drinks, candy, gum, jams, and jellies between meals, thorough cleansing and regular dental check ups.

Also, use of antiplaque fluoride toothpastes, mouth rinses, and flossing help prevent dental caries.

Another problem is gingivitis disease, which is an inflammation of the gingival the tissue that surrounds the teeth.

Pyorrhea or periodontal disease also is an inflammation of the gums including bleeding gums, swollen, red, painful, gum tissues, receding gum lines with formation of pockets between teeth and gums pus that appears when gums are pressed and loose teeth.

This eventually leads to tartar which attacks bone tissue and causes teeth to loosen and fall out.

Strong odor called halitosis or a persistent bad taste may be a first indication of periodental disease. The best solution is regular treatment by a dentist.

Finally remember to see the dentist immediately when you notice white or red patches, persistent sores, swelling, bleeding, numbness or pain in the mouth.

Cleaning teeth every time after eating and drinking plenty of water regularly can go a long way towards helping you to maintain healthy teeth and general oral hygiene.

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Thursday, September 25, 2008

Forget Worries Before Sleeping

Forget Worries Before Sleeping
Author: jezzbb

Modern day life imposes so much stress on us that the fears, anxieties, worries and problems occupy our minds till we go to sleep. Millions of sleeping pills are prescribed every year and millions more are added each year. It would be safe to assume that our modern and advancing lifestyles enforce stress in our lives.

Bills to pay, project deadlines, end of a relationship, insecurity, and debts are just a few of the factors that could trigger emotional and psychological stress.

Physical stress also rise in modern day living. Pollution, unhealthy eating habits and too much activity can also put excessive stress in our bodies. Physical stress coupled with psychological stress can make us weaker and more defenseless when viruses or bacteria attack our bodies.

Sleeping is very important for our health. Not just physically but also emotionally and spiritually. A lot of things happen when we sleep. This is the time that our body can repair and heal itself. If we don’t get enough sleep, we deprive our bodies of performing the healing process efficiently. The same goes true if we carry with us negative thoughts or emotions in our sleep.

Sleeping with positive thoughts and emotions can bring a positive well being the following day. On the other hand if fears, anxiety, worries or other negative thoughts are the dominant contents of your mind before you go to sleep, you may have an experience of similar nature the next day.

If you need to worry or fear of anything, think of it or find a solution for it several hours before going to sleep. An hour before going to sleep should be spent on relaxation and thinking of happy moments of your life. Thinking of the achievements and successes of the day is also a very healthful way of preparing yourself to sleep.

Here are some tips to get you into a positive thinking pattern. Make sure that you provide yourself with the conditions of sleeping comfortably such as good bedroom ventilation and a comfortable mattress bed such as an air mattress.

1. We all have successes each day. No matter how seemingly insignificant they may be, it’s always healthy to recognize them as such. Meditate on that before going to sleep. Let it lull you to sleep.

2. Watch funny TV shows or movies instead of news. News is usually very depressing and it’s not good for our health especially before we go to sleep. Funny TV shows on the other hand can trigger laughter which is a very healthy emotion.

3. Listen to guided meditations designed for sleeping. For this you need a portable mp3 player.

4. Listen to inspirational audio books. Even if you go to sleep before the book ends, the messages you hear will still be interpreted by your subconscious mind. This is a very good way of instilling positive thoughts in your mind. Audio books by Abraham Hicks and Neale Donald Walsch are very good choices.

We all have our worries, fears and anxiety but we have to put some time for and some time to temporarily forget it especially before going to sleep. Positive thoughts equate to healthful sleep and thereby a healthful life.

Relieve stress and anxiety for a healthier life. For the best sleeping comfort choose a king size air mattress bed. Go for an Air mattress when choosing a sleeping bed for better comfort and rest.

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The Brain Health News That You Can Use

The Brain Health News That You Can Use
Author: Michael S. Logan, MS

What’s the brain health news for today? Well, the winner of the 2008 USA Memory Championship was recently announced. His name is Chester Santos and he can memorize a deck of cards in three minutes, learn 100 random words and 100 new names and faces in just 15 minutes. How does he do it?

That’s his secret. He’s willing to teach you, for a price, of course. He recently quit his software job to teach his memory training techniques full time. According to the Associated Press, the brain fitness software market was worth $225 million in 2007, more than doubling the receipts from 2005.

Due in part to Nintendo’s release of the “Brain-Age game” and now the second version of that game, the industry’s income is expected to grow again and again over the next several years. By 2015, analysts expect to see the industry take in billions of dollars.

Want more of the brain health news for today? While the majority of the games and puzzles target aging baby boomers, teenagers and college students are also getting into brain exercises.

Some teachers are using the techniques to improve their student’s ability to remember facts, dates, names, etc. It is estimated that the K-12 market accounted for $60 million worth of the earnings in 2007.

Will any of these techniques help you, specifically? There’s a bit of a question mark on that. While some techniques work for some people, they don’t necessarily work for everyone.

All that you have to do is read a few software reviews to see that. Some people love the games and teasers. Others are not impressed.

In May of 2008, the brain health news was all about the introduction of Posit Science’s new “cognitive behavioral training”. If you took any psychology classes, that term may bring to mind names like Pavlov and B. F. Skinner, whose techniques were not always pleasant.

But, the term actually encompasses a broad range of behavioral therapies that relieve conditions such as depression, anxiety and even schizophrenia. It is common today to rely on mood altering drugs for those conditions, but when cognitive therapies are combined with drug therapy, the results are always more positive.

Posit Science’s program is rather expensive at $395, but it does combine a kind of personalized program with regular assessments for effectiveness. Instead of a single exercise, the program includes a variety of techniques aimed at improving memory, multi-tasking abilities and mental clarity.

In August of 2008, the brain health news from the Washington Post was a little different. While many of us are exciting about the growing number of available options, some experts warn that consumers may be just as well off to save their money.

The Nintendo game, for example, is very inexpensive and the teasers range from a kind of “rock-paper-scissors” to telling time on an upside down clock. Researchers have shown that video games improve a person’s cognitive function, but only when the volunteers were “non-players”.

Well, that’s it for the brain health news of today. The experts all agree that the best advice is to never stop looking for new challenges.

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Benefits of Stretching

Benefits of Stretching

The body is flexible. It is supposed to be flexible. You must be able to bend and reach that something you dropped on the floor. You must be able to zip the back of your favorite dress on your own. You must be able to reach that book you need to read at the top shelf.

These are simple activities. Nothing grand about them, you merely stretched out a bit. However, if there are difficulties in doing such simple motions, then you have to stretch your limits. You already need a stretching program.

What Is Stretching?

Stretching is simply the act of extending to full length the body or simply a part of it. This activity involves straightening or stretching the structure or the limbs.

How Does One Do the Stretching?

Stretching is fairly easy. As mentioned in the introduction, it is involved in the normal activities. It can be done by any people, regardless of age.

However the extent of stretching and flexing differs. The muscles tighten as a person ages. The range of joint movements can be minimized. This can very well obstruct an on-the-go lifestyle. That is why as the person grows older, bending or flexing becomes more limited. This is why stretching regularly, as part of a routine is very important.

Simple stretches can be done everyday. It can be incorporated in the lifestyle and the daily activities. It does not require much of your time.

Stretching exercises can also be done while training. Actually, stretching is an essential part of any training or sport. It must be done first before anything else. Stretching the body and the limbs is a good preparation for a more rigorous activity.

Most athletes would do the sit and reach, wherein they position on the floor, extend their legs and reach the tip of their foot with the tip of their hand. Actually, most trainers actually require their athletes to really do the stretching before playing.

There is actually an ideal length of time in stretching. It is best to do it in 10 minutes. This will give the body enough opportunity to move and flex the muscles, thus preparing it for more complicated and strenuous movements.

Experts however would frown upon going way beyond 10 minutes. Stretching the exercise to 30 minutes or more will already wear out the body. This will not be favorable if one is preparing for a game.

What Are the Benefits of Stretching?

1. Increase the Range of Movement

As one constantly do the stretching exercises, the length of the muscles and the tendons are also increased. This will help in increasing the range of your movement. Thus, the limbs and joints will be able to move, way before an injury can take place. You are definitely physically fit.

2. Increased Ability to Perform Skills

When you have a wide range of movement, the more you will be able to do more things. For example, you can jump high without feeling any pain when you land back on the floor. This will also help you start a new sport or improve more if you are in one. Stretching in this aspect also allows you to have a more active lifestyle.

3. Injury Prevention

One can prevent injury to joints, tendons and muscles with stretching. When the muscles and tendons are well-flexed, they are considered in good working order. This will help in a faster recovery and decreased soreness. The muscles of the body will be able to take more exhausting and rigorous movements with less probability of being injured.

4. Reduce Muscle Tension

If the muscles are given their regular exercises and stretching, it is less likely that they will contract. This will definitely relieve you of any muscle pain or problems.

5. Enhance Energy

Being able to move more will also give you more energy. Stretching will also help enhance your awareness, like knowing that you have a body that is capable of doing many things. As such, you are going to be more driven to move rather than sulk in the corner.

6. Reduces Cholesterol

Research also shows that doing prolonged stretching exercises, like yoga, will help reduce the cholesterol in the body. This of course must be done with a healthy diet at hand. This could prevent and even reverse the hardening of the arteries, allowing you to avoid coronary diseases.

Incorporate stretching in your everyday lifestyle. It has benefits you can not say no to. It also does not require much. It can be your usual activities, bending and flexing every now and then. After all, your fitness is everything so do what it takes to keep the body healthy.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Yoga For Pregnant Women

Yoga For Pregnant Women
by: Amie Porter

Master your mind!

Gain control over your body!

Be relieved of your stress through the practice of gentle art of Yoga!

Pregnancy is a physical as well as mental experience. Women often becomes hyper aware of all the changes their bodies are going through. Yoga allows pregnant women to adapt to these changes more gracefully and to feel proud and a sense of appreciation for their bodies. Yoga exercises can increase flexibility, strength, circulation and balance. Many pregnant women find that regular yoga exercises help to reduce swelling, back and leg pain, and insomnia.

However, Yoga must be practised very carefully among pregnant women, as improper exercises will bring negative effect on both moms and babies. Here are some tips for pre-natal pregnancy Yoga practise:

1. The general yoga exercises are recommended for the first 2 months. You must consult your doctor and find very experienced Yoga teachers. With proper guidance, you can practice some yoga right into labor. If you new to yoga then you should start slowly.

2. Breathing exercises are beneficial if done twice a day. The breathing exercises provide more oxygen and energy both to the mother and the child.

3. Some yoga poses that can help a pregnant women dealing with the symptoms of pregnancy, ensuring smoother and easier delivery, and faster recovery after childbirth. Pregnant women should pay attention not to overstretch the body - the ligaments around the joints become loose and soft during pregnancy. The abdomen should stay relaxed at all times. Difficult and poses that put pressure on the abdomen and other should NOT be done during advance stages of Pregnancy. No any kind of pain or nausea should be felt during and/or after yoga. If this happens, you should stop yoga practise and contact your GP.

4. When carrying out standing poses with your heels to the wall or use a chair for support to avoid losing your balance and risking injury to both you and your baby.

5. Deep relaxation is crucial to give rest to body and mind, and you will benefit more from a good sleep. Deep relaxation helps the nerve system change from sympathetic to parasympathetic activity. Parasympathetic activity is associated with the restorative processes of the body, which is needed both by the pregnant woman and the child.

We also strongly recommend regular morning and evening walks. Yoga is very individual. For more great Yoga advice, and other pregnant women support services, e.g. domestic cleaning services, babysitter services, personal trainer, chef and many more great services just visit us at

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Monday, June 23, 2008

Health Benefits Of Coconut

Health Benefits Of Coconut

by: Laura Ng

Coconut cream / milk

Coconut cream is widely used in curries, desserts and cakes. That's because it enhances the aroma and tastes of the dishes and can be obtained easily and cheaply.

It has a thick, paste-like consistency and when diluted, it is called coconut milk.

However, people avoid coconut cream because of its high fat content. Especially those who want to lose weight.

But do you know that it is good saturated fat which can be easily metabolised or turn into energy fast? That means it does not cause blockages in our arteries.

I'm not suggesting you to indulge in coconut cream, but rather than avoid it altogether, it is alright to eat in moderation.

The principle fatty acid in coconut milk is lauric acid, which is the same fat found in abundance in mother's milk.

When converted to monolaurin, it boosts your immune system and protects your body against many viruses, including hepatitis C, herpes and even HIV! It also promotes normal brain development and contribute to healthy bones.

It also has important anti-carcinogenic and anti-pathogenic properties which helps to prevent cancer. More importantly, coconut cream is less likely to cause weight gain than polyunsaturated oils.

Never know coconut cream can be so good right? Canned or packaged coconut cream is available in supermarkets.

It must be refrigerated once opened and does not last more than a week. Also, do not freeze coconut milk as this causes it to curdle when you next use it in cooking.

Try different brands of canned coconut milk to find the one to your liking. Those with thick cream floating on top of the can with the watery milk below it are proofs that they are not artificially homogenized.

Virgin Coconut oil

Extracted from fresh coconut milk and meat, virgin coconut oil has such an aromatic and flavourful taste that it is used in many

Just like coconut cream, coconut oil reduces bad cholesterol unlike polyunsaturated vegetable oils such as canola, sunflower and safflower oils.

It contains least calorie count among the category of monosaturated oils.

You ladies out there got to know this ! Surprise, surprise ! Coconut oil does speed up metabolism and aids you in shedding off the excess fats !

People of traditional cultures, such as the South Pacific Islands and the Philippines where coconut and palm oils are plentiful, suffer lower rates of obesity and health problems.

Look at our society today - we pile high on our plates food equally high in carbohydrates and polyunsaturated oils which increase our risk of heart diseases and diabetes.

Yet we complain about our weight and poor health. It's a shame ! However, coconut oil is different from other animal oil.

Studies have found that it aids in lowering blood pressure and regulate thyroid dysfunction. Unlike refined oils, it does not turn rancid easily and become toxic to our bodies.

If you have damaged hair, try using coconut oil on your hair and scalp. It has been proven to be a more effective treatment for damaged hair than mineral oil and sunflower oil.

That's because coconut oil is the only oil among the three which effectively reduces protein loss in hair.

Virgin coconut oil is an excellent beauty care product too.
Here are some benefits :

1) it penetrates and moisturises the skin

2) minimise damage from sun exposure that causes sagging, wrinkling and blemishes

3) removes dead skin cells, producing an even texture and glow

4) heals damaged or diseased skin Sometimes, wonderful remedies can be within your reach and in abundance, only if you look hard enough. In this case, it is the Coconut.

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Fitness Health Tip

Fitness Health Tip
by: Mary Rose

Everybody dreams of being healthy, beautiful and fit. The first fitness health tip is to believe that we are what we eat.

Eat healthy and one will be healthy and beautiful. Healthy eating means eating three regular balanced meals-breakfast, lunch and dinner daily and making sure that each meal is a combination of carbohydrate and protein foods.

Meals should include cereals, pulses, milk or curd, eggs, chicken, fish, fruits and vegetables. There is a fitness health tip which may come as a pleasant surprise and that is- Adding sugar is not a crime.

Three to four teaspoon of sugar a day is permitted if one is not diabeticFinally, the whole secret of fitness and weight control rests on how much oil is consumed daily and how much fatty foods are eaten in a day.

The normal requirement is 2-3 or 3-4 teaspoons oil per person per day. One may indulge in richer food twice in a week. Another fitness health tip is that the major reason for an overweight and unhealthy body is a change in lifestyle.

Today we don't walk anywhere, and hop into and out of cars. We also spend a lot of time sitting in front of television and computer.

This is one reason why people in their 20's and 30's suffer from hypertension, heart diseases and diabetes.

Everybody from six years and above must ensure that a regular exercise session is fixed in the daily routine.

A 20-30 minutes walk must be taught and practiced as regularly as brushing the teeth and bathing.It is also important to avoid too many soft drinks and packed juices which most of us prefer and stock in our refrigerator.

It not only increases our body weight but also harms our teeth and skin. Rather we should resolve to drink plenty of water.

To conclude, there is no magic wand to achieve healthy, beautiful and fit body.

It is imperative to keep a watch on what we eat.

Keep the diet well balanced, regular and complete with salad and fruits. Make sure that one is active throughout the day and follow a regular fitness program that is in sync with the age, body and health

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Natural Weight Loss for Good Health and Well Being

Natural Weight Loss for Good Health and Well Being
by: Jennifer Kays

Weight loss is becoming an unhealthy obsession dealing with body images, but in some cases can improve health and fitness. When weight loss is a result of eating healthy, exercising and/or taking natural weight loss supplements in contrast to synthetic prescription drugs with the risk of harmful side effects, weight loss can be effective, rewarding, and greatly improve overall health.

Extra weight, especially extra fat on a person's body, applies significantly increased stresses on the heart, joints and back. These stresses can be extremely detrimental to one's health. Healthy weight loss can reduce the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, arthritis and other health problems, as well as generally extending an otherwise average life span.

Recently, the scientific root cause or explanation of obesity has been revealed as being part of one's physiology. The internal functions of an obese person are different than those of a healthy person, and cause intense hunger pains and food cravings.

Natural weight loss supplements can help counteract this constant hunger and lead to healthy weight loss. Unbalanced hormones are a common cause of weight gain, therefore taking natural hormone balancers and herbal supplements would help to create a healthy weight loss regimen.

Restoring your health allows you to lose weight naturally, without excess frustration and effort. It's all about losing weight from the inside out. Emotional issues always accompany change, especially changes in our bodies e.g. natural weight loss.

Weight loss affects our perception body image, our sense of identity i.e. who am I?, and how we feel about ourselves in general. Weight loss also effects our social relationships in that there may be people in our family or social contacts that are emotionally invested in our remaining the same i.e. overweight with all that it symbolizes e.g. friendliness, non-threatening, protective, jovial, helpful, etc.

Beyond our physical health, it can be said that "size matters" cognitively and emotionally to ourselves and others. Eating and food have come to symbolize being accepted, being cared for and comfort. Having the support of others in our efforts to naturally lose weight and regain our health is a huge advantage.

We have been "conditioned" to fear any kind of loss, including weight loss. Especially if what we may lose is something with which we identify i.e. use to tell us who we are. The emotions of fear, anger, anxiety and depression effect our weight.

We often tend to "stuff our feelings" or numb these emotional feelings or stress by overeating. We may even overeat, thinking that will ease the physical discomfort caused by excess weight e.g. physical pain, lack of sleep, and lack of energy caused by moderate depression.

To improve our overall health and support us through the process of natural weight loss and the emotional dynamics around it, we can take advantage of natural sleep aids, natural depression relief and natural pain relief health care products.

Our weight and health is greatly dependent upon our having a healthy digestive system or metabolism. Our digestive system converts, on a cellular and muscular level, the foods we eat, eliminates toxins, and uses and stores glucose for energy.

Natural enzymes trigger hunger signals and facilitate absorption of nutrition. Good digestion with the help of natural enzymes aids in the conversion of fat to muscle.

Allergy and sensitivity to food, parasites, yeast overgrowth and emotional stress are signals of digestive disruption and inflammation. Natural essential fatty acids work to reduce intestinal inflammation, decrease harmful acids, help the liver process proteins that grow muscle, balance hormones and facilitate the elimination of toxins.

Natural essential fatty acids help clear our digestive system of heavy metals, harmful bacteria, pesticides that we are increasingly encountering in our environment. Essential fatty acids along with natural fiber help us clean out the intestinal debris that harm our health and often lead to weight gain.

Essential fatty acids also help our brain's neurotransmitters to function properly in order to deal with stress, emotions, and cravings that can lead to overeating and weight gain. Natural amino acids are the building blocks that make up proteins.

Next to water, protein makes up the greatest part of our body weight. Amino acids help increase metabolism, build muscle, ease moderate depression, and help burn fat. Natural antioxidants help carry more oxygen to cells and muscles to help increase energy, burn fat, build muscle and process the foods we eat.

Hormone balance is essential for natural weight loss. Our metabolism slows as we get older because of the decrease or imbalance of hormones.

This contributes to weight gain. Hormone balance also helps us deal with stress that leads to weight gain. Proper hormone balance helps to decrease cravings and binge eating. There are many natural hormone balancing products available, e.g. natural progesterone, promensil, soy isoflavones, essential fatty acids and hormone balancing formulas.

Our metabolism's primary task is to nourish our brains. We need healthy neurotransmitters to help us curb craving, ease depression, and deal with stress that lead to weight gain. Balancing our natural brain chemistry has a calming effect and allows us to feel a sens of well being and safety.

There are many natural health care products to help balance brain chemistry, e.g. essential fatty acids, natural depression relief products, natural products to increase serotonin, and more.

When our brain feels well and safe, it is prone to change our metabolism from calorie saving to calorie burning. Our bodies were designed to move and be active. Movement requires muscle activity. Muscle activity uses the glycogen supply found in our muscles.

When this glycogen supply stored in our muscles is used, our body is forced to use stored fat as an energy source.

Using this stored fat through movement and exercise, results in natural weight loss. There is no reason for us to become athletes to accomplish natural weight loss.

Low impact exercise like swimming, walking, etc, can be done slowly and without strain. In order to lose real weight rather than "water weight", it is important to drink extra amounts of water when exercising.

Drinking more water will also help our digestive system and metabolism to use and eliminate extra weight.

Remember, the first objective, accomplished through natural weight loss, is to improve our physical and emotional health.

This involves having a healthy digestive system, a healthy emotional system and a healthy nutritional system.

We can build these healthy systems with natural vitamins, amino acids, antioxidants, natural digestive aid, pain relief aid, natural sleep aids, natural emotional and mood aids, essential fatty acids and many more helpful natural health care products.

We need to concentrate on improving our general health, feeling good, and living well through natural weight loss, rather than constantly comparing ourselves to someone else's idea about appearance from some magazine.

Physical and emotional health is primary. Appearance may be important to us, but it is secondary. Through natural weight loss, we can live well and live long


Health Benefits Of Tomatoes

Health Benefits Of Tomatoes
by by: Tim Sousa

Did you know that tomatoes were once considered poison? It's true, the tomato is a member of the nightshade family, and was at one time considered to be toxic.

Tomatoes were first eaten in the U.S. in the early 1800's, when a gentleman by the name of Robert Johnson shocked his hometown by eating a basket of tomatoes in the middle of town. When he didn't die, or even get sick from the tomatoes, they became a part of the American diet.

We now know that tomatoes are not toxic, and in fact are quite nutritious. First of all, tomatoes contain a lot of vitamin C, which is quite beneficial, as you've probably heard.

Vitamin C helps the body to produce collagen, an important protein skin, scar tissue, tendons, ligaments, and blood vessels. Vitamin C is also an antioxidant, helping to prevent cell damage by free radicals.

Tomatoes also contain a powerful antioxidant called lycopene. Studies have shown that men consuming 10 servings of tomatoes a week cut the risk of prostate cancer by 45%. Lycopene also lower the risk of colorectal cancer and stomach cancer, and inhibits the growth of other types of cancer cells. Lycopene may also help older folks remain active.

Coumaric acid and chlorogenic acied are also found in tomatoes. These two compounds are thought to block the effects of nitrosamines, which are formed naturally in the body, but are also a strong carcinogen in tobacco smoke.

Tomatoes may also help to reduce the risk of heart disease. Tomatoes are a good source of potassium, niacin, vitamin B6, and folate. Niacin has been used for years to lower cholesterol. Potassium has been shown to lower high blood pressure. And vitamin B6 and folate are used by the body to convert a dangerous chemical called homocysteine into more benign compounds.
Vitamin K, found in tomatoes helps to maintain healthy bones. Vitamin K1 activates a protein in the bones called osteocalcin, which anchors calcium inside the bone. Without enough vitamin K, bone mineralization is impaired.

When you buy tomatoes, be sure to buy the ones with the brightest red color. This indicates high amounts of beta-carotene and lycopene. Lycopene is found in the cell walls of the tomato, so by cooking it in a bit of oil, more lycopene is fully released.

Also, cooking the tomato in a bit of olive oil helps your body to absorb the lycopene. If all you can find are canned tomatoes, that's fine. Cooking and canning don't cause tomatoes to lose any of their nutritional value. So cooked and processed tomatoes are just as beneficial as fresh tomatoes

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How To Make Your Liver Burn Fat For You Automatically

How To Make Your Liver Burn Fat For You Automatically
by: Rajesh Shetty

The main function of liver is to convert food to energy, and produce chemicals and enzymes necessary to burn fat.

Liver stores iron reserves and vitamins and minerals and makes bile to digest food. It also manufactures cholesterol.

It filters and detoxifies – alcohol, wine, harmful drugs, stores energy or glucose and removes the poisons and toxins that you breathe.

Your Liver is the key organ responsible for breakdown of fat.

It is a common fact that large percentages of overweight people have malfunctioning livers.
The liver produces bile, a byproduct of blood filtering. Bile leaves the liver and is stored in the gall bladder.

When fat is eaten, the gall bladder releases bile to emulsify the fat into tiny droplets.
Without bile, fat digestion is impossible.

Since the liver is the key organ for fat digestion you must make an effort to keep the liver in very good health if you want to loose fat.

You can take care of your liver in the following manner.

Avoid unnecessary drugs.

Avoid alcohol.

Dont mix alcohol with drugs and medication.

Please be careful when using aerosol cleaners, wear a mask if possible.

Increase intake of high-fibre foods such as fresh fruits & vegetables, whole grains, breads, rice and cereals.

Avoid rich desserts, snacks and drinks.

Avoid steroids as it causes fatty liver.

If you need a natural solution for rejuvenating your lever, I recommend Aloe Vera to you.
Aloe Vera has been highly recommended by Ayurveda for rejuvenating the cells of the lever.
You must be aware that the extract of Aloe Vera has been used world wide by the cosmetic industry for rejuvenating skin cells.

Ayurveda practitioners have utilized the same cell rejuvenating property of aloeVera in India since ages.

Aloe Vera is a plant belonging to lily family that grows upto 2-3 feet tall. This plant grows mainly in hot climates.

The gel in the leaves is used for internal consumption.

Aloe Vera gel supplies the nutrients required by the internal organs of the body and speeds up the healing process. It contains the following nutrients:

Vitamins B12, C, E And Beta carotene.

Enzymes, the life force of any living being, helps to digest the foood.

Contains 20 essential Amino acids required by the body as the essential building blocks for protein.

Contains minerals like iron, manganese, potassium, calcium, chromium, copper, zinc, magnesium.
Contains powerfull anti-inflammatory agents known as plant sterols.

Contains Lignin, this is a woody substance which allows Aloe to penetrate the skin.

Salycylic acid in Aloe acts as an anti-inflammatory which helps to break down the dead tissues.
Contains natural pain killers known as Anthraquinones.

Saponins are the soapy substances which have anti microbial action.

Aloe Vera strengthens the bodies immunity and gets rid of all the sludge and waste material from areas of the bowel and liver. It supplies the liver with all the required nutrients and regulates its functioning and repairs it from inside.

Once the liver starts its normal function, fat dissolves automatically

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Boost Health And Wellness With Vitamin Supplements

Boost Health And Wellness With Vitamin Supplements

by: Darrell Miller

It is possible to boost health and wellness with vitamin supplements if you keep an eye on your recommended daily allowance (RDA).

It is possible to overdose on some vitamins, especially vitamin A if you are pregnant, but generally a once daily vitamin supplement does you a lot of good.

Many people suffer from one type of vitamin deficiency or another and that deficiency is determined by many different circumstances.

It could be because you are on a diet that restricts your food choice so that your intake of nutrients is not what it should be.

The human digestive system has been designed for an omnivorous diet, so those that eat meat and neglect their fruit and vegetable intake will ten to be deficient in some of the fat soluble vitamins.

Vegans will be deficient in those vitamins that are unobtainable from vegetables. A prime example is vitamin B12. However, there is nothing wrong with opting for one dietary regime or another if you are aware of the potential deficiencies, and make up for them with supplements.

Vitamin D deficiencies are particularly common, especially amongst those that get little exposure to sunlight. Vitamin D is formed in the skin by the action of sunlight, and people who live in the higher latitudes in particular tend to suffer from deficiencies: much more so than residents of Florida or California! However, it is not just in vitamin D that many people are deficient.

Vitamins are essential to your body for proper health and fitness. Vitamins are chemicals that have been identified as being essential to human life, and without them you cannot survive.

You can live with certain deficiencies, although much depends on the vitamin. Many are antioxidants, without which you will age quicker and suffer from many unpleasant conditions.

Antioxidants neutralize free radicals that are generated by both the body’s metabolism and environmental agents. Pollution such as smoking, traffic fumes and pesticides can generate free radicals, as can sunlight which is generally associated with good health; and Vitamin D of course. Free radicals are compounds that possess unpaired electrons.

Electrons normally travel in pairs, but occasionally a compound can lose one of its electrons and is rendered unstable. It immediately begins to look for a new mate, and a favorite source is from the cells of our bodies.

In stealing electrons from body cells, free radicals destroy the cells and accelerate aging. They also oxidize the low density lipoproteins that taxi cholesterol around the blood, and cause it to deposit its cholesterol in our arteries creating a condition known as atherosclerosis.

This is a narrowing of the arteries through the arterial walls being thickened by the cholesterol, and in severe cases they can even become completely blocked. This is a very serious condition that near the heart can cause cardiac failure, and in the brain can cause a stroke.

The antioxidant vitamins A, C and E, therefore, are very important to us for this single property, let alone all the others that they possess that are also beneficial to our health.

It is important that your body is well supplied with all the vitamins it needs, especially the water soluble ones such as vitamin C that are not stored in the body. Vitamin supplements are a good way of maintaining a balanced daily vitamin intake.

They affect every part of your body from healthy toenails to healthy hair on your head. They also affect your digestion, your blood and circulation system, the way your brain works, the development and maintenance of healthy bones, skin and muscle.

In short, they are essential to just about every part and function of your body. Without them you would not exist.

People can generally boost their health with vitamin supplements, and even those that generally feel fit would likely benefit from a regular course of vitamins and minerals during the winter months.

People are no longer subject to the forced seasonal depletion of certain vitamins and minerals due to the non-availability of certain fruits and vegetables in winter time, but a supplement will help them to survive the winter with fewer colds and other viral and bacterial infections.

There are some supplements, however, that should be taken with care under certain circumstances. Pregnant women in particular, while taking a good supply of folic acid, should avoid a vitamin A supplement that could harm the growing fetus. The same is true of liver that is very rich in vitamin A.

Anybody suffering from a specific medical condition should seek their physician’s advice if taking or intending to take a supplement that involves them exceeding the RDA for any vitamin or mineral.

The body of evidence indicates that those eating a properly balanced diet with plenty fruit, vegetables and protein from both animal and vegetable sources, should not need any supplements.

A balanced diet will provide you with all the vitamins you need, but most people do not eat a balanced diet, not only Americans but generally throughout the world. The American diet tends to be rich in fats and low in fruit and vegetables, and it is certainly true that this type of diet is one that is usually used as an example when vitamin and mineral deficiencies are discussed.

However, it is not only in America, since many other cultures are taking up the fast food solution to working parents that have little or no time to cook for their families.

The result is a salt and sugar rich diet that is lacking in amino acids, antioxidants and the vitamins that are needed for general good health.

Apart from those diets made by choice, even if for understandable reasons, many people cannot eat a balanced diet, and others are on diets for weight loss that are restrictive in the range of foods that they eat.

Women and children dressed from head to toe in black robes for religious reasons are prone to vitamin D deficiencies, their children being especially prone to rickets.

All of these require vitamin supplements of one type or another. Supplementation can be taken as individual vitamins or as a mixture of various vitamins and minerals.

Whether you belong to one of these groups or not is immaterial: you can boost your health and wellness with vitamin supplements if you take them regularly, and combine your vitamin intake with the right amount of exercise for your age. All physicians are agreed that good health is a combination of nutrition and exercise

Laying a Good Foundation for Health

Laying a Good Foundation for Health

by: Paula Muran

In the western medicine world, we have lost touch with the basic concept of true healing. We substitute a band-aid for a cure and wonder why we don't feel better.

People get ill for many reasons. Each diseased state tells us that we are ignoring some part of self, and change is necessary.

While many factors contribute to healing, and it happens on many levels, all require attention throughout the entire healing practice.

Ignoring the body-mind (emotions and thoughts) would not provide adequate and long-term good health.

Physical symptoms like headaches, swollen glands, sneezing and colds, including more serious diseases like cancer, communicate that there is a disturbance in the emotional fabric of our being. Negative emotions like fear, doubt and worry stop the normal flow of energy.

These emotions undermine us, and over the course of our lives cause unexplained and crippling diseases that end up controlling us.

The physical body falls apart because we fall apart emotionally.

Recent scientific studies have shown that emotions sabotage everything—from simple success to kidney failure.

When we don't care for the "whole self," the physical body simply mirrors those effects.

Over the course of time, emotions like fear, anger and confusion take their toll. Repressed anger diminishes the functions of the liver.

Hopelessness and despair play havoc with the gall bladder.

Fear plays havoc with the kidneys, relationships and success. Confusion on the other hand, keeps whirling thoughts spinning, creating a cloud of chaos around us and we become imbalanced and ungrounded.

Head colds for instance, are a direct result of emotional confusion. Long-standing negative emotional beliefs deteriorate the entire physical being. A constant string of repetitive negative words weaken and actually exhaust the physical body.

To heal we must feel. We must identify the root emotional cause of the disease. This process lays down a new foundation for good health and begins with a new attitude about being healthy. Any negative emotion causes us to stay stuck in a false perception about our self.

How do we identify negative emotions? The easiest way to identify negative patterns is to see them in family members and friends. Examine other people's behaviors. Notice all the things you like about them and all the things you don't like, especially the things that make you angry, envious or jealous.

The people around you are actually reflections of you. What you see in another person that bothers you or angers you is a part of yourself that has not yet been loved and healed. Begin by criticizing your dearest friends.

By doing this practice of looking at the faults of friends and family you get in touch with the parts of you that are out of balance and seek healing.

This simple exercise offers you an opportunity to look deeply at your own emotional concerns and patterns. Once you locate personal limitation it's time for change. Emotional patterns are created when you place a judgment upon an experience.

To change, we must stay conscious of our feelings in situations. Stay calm, make no judgment—simply feel the energy. For example, let's take anger because anger is one of the most profound emotions and is easily felt. Imagine yourself in an angry situation; stay completely present and deeply feel the anger.

Don't judge it—simply feel it. Now, love the feeling that anger produces. Anger can be motivation. It can be passionate.

Change the negative charge that anger produces; begin to embrace and love the feeling of anger instead of repelling it.

Next begin to dialogue with the anger. Yes, that is correct, strike up a conversation with anger. Ask it questions like, "What are you teaching me?" or "Why am I so angry all the time?" Permit the answers to come into your conscious mind.

As they do, you realize what the true issue is. Sometimes in that moment of realization the anger pattern can release.

Other times it might take a few more conversations for the anger to release. This method allows the energy constriction caused by anger and other emotions to release.

Any blocked energy begins to flow giving the physical body a chance to heal. Even though healing begins with the emotions, the physical body must be strong enough to support the emotional body.

Supplements: Supplementation is important because food chemicals, pesticides and a hurried lifestyle play havoc on our systems. Take no more than five different supplements daily. I prefer liquids including Green-Magma and other green drinks. If you don't feel immediate results, they are not working. Water: Only 5% of the American population gets sufficient water each day.

Diet drinks, high corn-syrup drinks and coffee do not count towards proper hydration; in fact these drinks cause gastrointestinal inflammation, kidney and liver problems and an acidic environment. To properly hydrate drink at least half of your body weight in purified water by the ounce each day.

For example if you weight 150 lbs. you need 75 ounces of purified water daily. Exercise: The number one killer today is a stagnant lymph system caused by a lack of exercise. Take a walk around the block or take a yoga, chi-kung or Pilate's class


Drink Your Way To Good Health

Drink Your Way To Good Health
by: Steven Godlewski

If you really want to have great health, you can drink your way to it. Water is the substance of life.

The majority of people on earth are dehydrated, and they don't even realize it. In fact, nutritionists report that about 80% of the people on earth are dehydrated.

Before you assume that you are not in that group, because you don't feel thirsty, you need to realize that thirst really has nothing to do with dehydration.

You may also believe that you get enough water because you drink beverages that have water as an ingredient, such as coffee, tea, and sodas.

Even though these beverages are made with water, when they are ingested, they actually cause us to lose water!

You don't need other beverages - what you need is water. Those other beverages should be a once-in-a-while thing, not a daily thing!

Even though we can't survive under water, we are water oriented. 70% of the earth is covered by water, and two-thirds of our bodies consist of water.

Approximately 83% of our blood is water, 75% of our muscles are water, 22% of our bones are water, and 74% of our brains are water.

Our brains even float around in water! With these percentages, it should be obvious as to why we require water to live.

The water in our bodies is lost every minute of every day - through sweat, tears, and urination - and simply through our pores.

You are losing water right now, at this very moment, and it needs to be replaced. If you increase your water intake to eight glasses per day, in about a week's time, you will notice that you have more energy, your mind is clearer, your skin is healthier, and your food digests easier.

Water will help you lose weight, remove toxins from your body, and help you absorb nutrients and vitamins. Not just any water will do, however.

You should avoid drinking tap water. Go with bottled water that has been purified or better yet, choose bottled spring water that is all natural.

Tap water generally is full of toxins that you don't want in your body. Furthermore, aside from your daily eight glasses of water, you should drink one glass of water for every cup of coffee or tea you have, as well as for every soda, and one glass of water for every cigarette you smoke - if you do smoke, and one glass of water for every glass of an alcoholic drink that you have.

If you have unhealthy habits, you may find yourself drinking a great deal of water each day to combat the ill effects of those unhealthy habits

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