Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Stop Smoking in a Simple Way - Quit Smoking

Stop Smoking in a Simple Way - Quit Smoking
By Mia Sidiro

Everyone these days knows that smoking is unsafe to our health, however many people continue to smoke. The shocking reality is that the number of smokers globally is not diminishing enough.
Surveys have shown that lots of people start smoking at a very young age and this can very well be the reason why giving up the habit is extremely difficult.

Research has found that approximately 70% - 80% of smokers wished to stop smoking, but most were incapable of succeeding.
Smoking is hard to stop since cigarettes have a nicotine agent, which the user becomes addicted to. Although addiction is not as serious as using other narcotics, it is hard to quit and almost unbearable to smokers.

There are quite a few reasons why it is tough to stop smoking habit.
First, smoking is lawful. Smokers are able to smoke without fear, unless they are in countries that have banned smoking indoors of public places..
Second, cigarettes are readily available anywhere.
Third, smokers see they are not alone as many others are also smoking; hence they don't feel guilty for smoking especially since it is accepted almost everywhere worldwide.

.Aside from this, the need to smoke can be be put off if necessary. A smoker can delay his cigarette for quite some time if the circumstances will not allow him to do so.
This of course is the difference between cigarettes and other drug addictions wherein other drugs require "instant gratification". The level of addiction makes people blind to the hazard of cigarette reliance.

Even though giving up smoking is hard, it is not impossible. It can be overcome, when a smoker has a strong incentive to quit.
There is an easy way which will help smokers to quit: picture yourself as a non-smoker, possibly more athletic that before, smelling great, more money in your pocket, etc. Simply picture and feed your mind the positive thoughts that would come from being smoke-free. This is called self-affirmation.

Self-affirmation must consist of the 3Ps: private, present tense, as well as positive. This means that the sentence must use word I (personal) in present tense and make use of positive words. Thus those who want to quit smoking must not use word 'will' or desire to', they need to use positive words as well as not the negative like 'no' or 'don't'. Example: Now that I am a non-smoker, I am so energetic and that allows me to exercise more.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Oral Health Care Tips - How To Take Care Of Your Mouth

Oral Health Care Tips - How To Take Care Of Your Mouth
By Katie Johnson

Maintaining good oral hygiene and dental care has several benefits discussed below. Successful mouth care not only means use of quality cleaning products but it also means spending time using the right methods recommended for the care of your teeth or mouth.

Generally, good health is as important as cleanliness for maintaining a healthy mouth and teeth. The relationship is well established between good teeth and a diet with enough calcium, phosphorous and Vitamin D which is necessary for the body to make use of these minerals.

A good digestive process and sustatory pleasure are enhanced when the mouth and teeth are in good condition. These together with the tongue begin digestion and play very important roles by breaking up food particles and mixing with saliva which is also an important mechanical cleaner of the mouth.

Dental carries is a very common teeth problem. This comes about due to failure to remove plaque which is destructive bacterial film that builds up on the teeth and with the passage of time leads to the destructive of tooth enamel.

A good plaque fighting program means eliminating of sweet snacks such as soft drinks, candy, gum, jams, and jellies between meals, thorough cleansing and regular dental check ups.

Also, use of antiplaque fluoride toothpastes, mouth rinses, and flossing help prevent dental caries.

Another problem is gingivitis disease, which is an inflammation of the gingival the tissue that surrounds the teeth.

Pyorrhea or periodontal disease also is an inflammation of the gums including bleeding gums, swollen, red, painful, gum tissues, receding gum lines with formation of pockets between teeth and gums pus that appears when gums are pressed and loose teeth.

This eventually leads to tartar which attacks bone tissue and causes teeth to loosen and fall out.

Strong odor called halitosis or a persistent bad taste may be a first indication of periodental disease. The best solution is regular treatment by a dentist.

Finally remember to see the dentist immediately when you notice white or red patches, persistent sores, swelling, bleeding, numbness or pain in the mouth.

Cleaning teeth every time after eating and drinking plenty of water regularly can go a long way towards helping you to maintain healthy teeth and general oral hygiene.

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